Tell us why your team will own all this fall.
Well, I know its super early, but I just had a hardcore jones for football season. It's by far my favorite sport and I hate the offseason. I felt that everyone could benefit from a little football talk. So I hope you guys agree.
In light of the draft, who's gonna take it to the house in 2004/2005? Everyone name your favorite team, and make a believable case for their success this year. And feel free to debate everyone else's replies. I'm sure that mine will probably draw some naysaying.
Raiders: I thought they would all leave, but the old guys are sticking around. Most people blame their dismal season last year on their age. While it is a factor, I always thought that Callahan just completely lost control. With him gone, and the genius additions of Robert Gallery and Jake Grove, they got one final shot in them.
"We each have a star, all we have to do is find it. Once you do, everyone who sees it will be blinded." - Earl Simmons