Originally posted by lurkette
How do you tell who you are, and what you really want, intuitively and truly, as opposed to doing things because they're easy or expected of you or habitual, or motivated by fear?
Who you
truly are is created by how your experiences and choices mix with your genetic leanings. Often times you find what is truly yours with a little luck, but you should be able to figure some things out by understanding your personality and talents. For instance, I am more introverted, so I am not likely to enjoy a life oriented around dealing with lots of people all of the time (rather than avoiding these situations merely out of fear).
I guess what I am saying, then, is that you really have to go through a process of getting to know yourself to answer these questions. I think a good first step to really determine what your strengths are and what your weaknesses are and what they stem from. The more you know about why you act like you act, the more you will feel in control of your life.
[...]I don't always feel like I'm living in a way that's consistent with my ideals, but I'm not sure which of those ideals are worth sacrificing for, and which are just unrealistic. I have conflicting impulses[...]
Here is a good case to ask yourself - Why do I have these ideals? Where did the come from? What are their purposes?
One thing at a time... all to answer one question: What will provide me with a feeling that
my life has value?