This is not nearly as juicy as the subject head would suggest. Sorry!
I have a friend who's in law school. He is looking for a church to go to so he can make connections for future business. He's asking us to figure out which church would have the richest clients.
Now, if he were looking for a church because he wanted to start going to church, and just
incidentally considering which church might be good for business, that'd be one thing. But he's just looking to use this as a career ladder, which seems to me to be a bit mercenary and unethical - pretending to be there for the god stuff when you're really just scoping out clients.
Is he a bit of a whore, or am I being overly-idealistic?
P.S. He also wants ratbastid to teach him to play golf as a career-builder, but that seems okay to me - you're not pretending to play golf the way you're pretending to believe in god. Different or not?