Originally posted by prosequence
Harloquin, we will pray for you.
No offense meant, but that statement can be interpreted as patronizing. "I'll pray for you" too often means "I'll pray that you learn to think my way, which is the only right way."
I've seen arguments between ministers in which one says "i'll pray for you" to the other, and the other turns beet red. Because it was used as a putdown.
If you're praying for friends who wants your prayers, tell them. It will comfort them. But if you're praying for someone who disagrees with you on ethical or religious grounds, just do it. Don't muddy the waters of your compasson by making -- by inference -- a statement that you, not he, have the hotline to God and Truth.
Because nobody's got the lock on God and Truth, even if they like to think so. A minister friend tells this story: a woman came up to him waving a book and said, "The Holy Spirit told me that you have to read this book." He replied, "Well, when the Holy Spirit tells _me,_ I'll do it."