Originally posted by *Nikki*
Is cheating ever an option if you really love your partner??
I am interested to know if any of you have cheated on your partner despite being completely in love with them??
If so, what were your motives? Was it purely sex?
I know for myself it has never crossed my mind with my current partner. However in the past I have been in love and considered doing it b/c I felt neglected on many levels in the relationship. Of course that contributed to why I am no longer in that relationship.
Although I never did cheat physically, I was always cheating in my head.
I was basically just wondering if Love overcomes all desire to cheat?
All I know is that I believe in monogamy and fidelity, so no matter how rough things might get I would refrain from cheating even if the opportunity presented itself.
If I felt my girlfriend was neglecting me or not reating me right I would simply break off the relationship before seeking sex with someone else, and if she ever cheated on me I'd never take her back regardless of how much I love her or how much she'd claim she loves me because I believe that if someone cheats on you and you take them back they will cheat again since you've indirectly told them that you'll forgive them no matter what they do.