War, my parents were fairly protective, not overbearing or unusually oppresive. My folks genearlly limited their intrusions into our lives to reasonable levels: Where are you going? Whose going to be there? etc.
I graduated from college officially in December of 2003. I can't say my time in the educational trenches was easy, but I had more discipline that what I see in my sister. I didn't graduate "cum laude" anything, but I finished...
As far as the tongue stud, tatoo and late night fieldtrips to distant campuses, I concur with your observations. She was rebelling.
Where I lose sight of that hypothesis is comparing her path to my own... I have no tatoos, piercings or history of late night travel. I don't lie much either ("Sir, do know why I pulled you over?" "No, officer...") Why do we differ so much?
Last edited by tritium; 05-14-2004 at 09:50 PM..