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Old 05-14-2004, 09:01 PM   #1 (permalink)
Location: A fuzzy cloud.
We can not let this bill (S.1248) be passed!

Please don't let the fact that you don't know me dissuade you from taking the few minutes to read this.

I'll try to keep my words short because I feel the email that I was sent below speaks for itself. This is an email I was sent by my dearest friend. I know none of you know me, but you all seem like such great people that I feel that you are all people that will take this to heart.

Here's a few important links:

Sign the petition to stop this bill!
For any questions you have, you can email:
They'll be answered as soon as possible.

[begin forward]
I am passing on information from a parent's group that I belong to. The news is upsetting for all of us in the group and should be to anyone who knows anyone with a disabled child. Even if you don't, the implications for this change are astounding. My son's disability is on the rise and if this is passed, there is no telling how many children will be shorted their education. I am asking first that you take time to write the President and second that you pass this on to as many people as you know. The one Oklahoma vote against this was not enough and now we need more help. You can email me back with specific questions and what I do not know I will direct on to the president of the group. Thanks.


The IDEA reauthorization passed in the Senate 93 to 1. The one I am proud to
say is one of Oklahoma's senators, Don Nickles. (Senate bill 1248, House bill
1350). It is now in committee for both the house and the senate. Once they
work out the differences between the two bills, it will go to the president for
his signature. THIS CANNOT HAPPEN!

I don't know if there is hope to get this vetoed, but it is our last hope of
saving our children. Please write President Bush and voice your opinion!
White House
1600 Pennsylvania Ave.
Washington, DC 20500

Most of you have heard this from me before, but I'll hit the high points again.

The new bill changes parent rights and decreases the child's ability to get a
appropriate education. Some examples:
-IEP's only required every three years instead of every year. No short term
goals or objectives. How can you effectively plan for goals for a three year
-Elimination of Stay Put. Right now, if the school changes your child's
placement without your permission (which they can do), you can file Due Process
and request Stay Put. Your child stays in their current placement until the
hearing officer determines what placement is appropriate. Without that, your
child can be changed to a bad placement and have to stay there for the 60 days
it takes to fight over it. Even if you win and get your old placement back,
your child has already wasted 60 days. Or worse yet, been harmed by that 60
-Right now, a child on an IEP can only be suspended for 10 days before the
school has to do a Manifestation Determination and a Functional Behavioral
Assessment. (determine if the behavior that caused the suspension is related
to the disability) Under the new bill, a child can be suspended for up to 45
days for any violation of school rules, regardless of disability. A child with
Tourette Syndrome that swears can be suspended. That is just outrageous.

There is more, and if you would like to have the details, let me know. This
should be enough to scare all of us. For those of you who do not have a child
with a disability, remember that every child is one accident away from being a
child with a disability. Please tell everyone you know to write, call, fax.
Get involved. This affects the entire country. I am also going to write Laura
Bush and appeal to her as a mother.

I hope this is clear enough. My brain isn't working quite right at the
moment. It hasn't since I saw the vote in the senate this morning. I am sick
over this. Please help. Please!
[end forward]

Please, please, please forward this to everyone you know, or at least sign the online petition I gave a link for above. If you decide to only forward a portion of this, make sure to at least include the petition link and the email address. Try to Bcc: if you are sending to a lot of people. I really don't want this to be considered spam, people need to be made aware though.

If I've put this in the wrong place, I apologize. General discussion seems appropriate for something like this, though.

Thank you for your time.
the dangerous type

Last edited by isolder; 05-14-2004 at 09:14 PM..
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