Originally posted by apeman
last time I joined a gym I had an induction, where someone who knows what they're talking about takes you round all the equipment and tells you how to do it without injuring yourself... does that happen at your place or do they just let you loose?
Good post.
I mentioned having 2 gym memberships.. One of them "crossed" to an upgraded facility.. This time (the 3rd) is at the same gym the other 2 were at, so I am still "on file."
When I signed up the very first time (at the older place), they did do an induction where they have you do some strength excersizes and determine your capabilities..
They then had a computer where it would actually recommend a training program..
It's neat you bring that up, and leads me to 2 other questions..
First, do you think the computer-generated workout plan is a good one, that is worth following?
Secondly, do you think my original suggested "workout routine" (taken, 2, maybe 3 years ago) would still be useable, or is it best to do the "induction" again? I am not sure if my old "routine" is still available, and I honestly didn't really follow it, as my dad had his own ideas about what I should be doing, but this time I am going into this on my own accord, so I am more "free" in that sense. Also, I wonder if it is possible do to the induction again, or if it's a one time only thing?
Thanks for the reply!