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Old 05-14-2004, 04:45 AM   #26 (permalink)
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Location: Chicago
Originally posted by pook
I went to see Bill Gates speak and at least three groups of anti-MS folks were outside handing out Linux discs. Each had a FAQ attached and each FAQ talked about how it's not easy to get it installed (lack of drivers, etc.).

Windows ain't perfect, but if I have a crash I can have my HD formated and the software back up and running in about 90 mins. Toss in another hour for installing my favorite programs and I'm off to lunch with pals.

I'm VERY curious about Linux, but don't have the time. Someday.
I typically try to steer clear of "zealot-like" statements, but with Mandrake Linux, you could have your HD formatted, the OS *AND* most of your favorite programs (the Linux equivalents at least) up in about 30-45 minutes TOTAL.

Either way, let's try to keep this thread for general lLinux questions pertaining to trying it out and such not, "Linux is cool, but with Windows..." and "I'd like to try it but not now because..." These are just fluff comments really and don't do much more than force people who are seriously thinking about trying Linux and who have questions into having to read more in this thread than they have to.

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