Movie World Cup: "Finding Nemo" v "Spiderman"
This tie is now over.
Finding Nemo 20 - 14 Spiderman
1st Round, 3rd Tie: Finding Nemo v Spiderman
In a tournament which carries the electricity of the World Cup, shocks are inevitable. Do either of these two have what it takes to go all the way?
My spidey sense is tingling.... this could spark a mass-debate or mass-indecision amongst our ranks. One of the potential surprise packages must be eliminated in this first round and you hold the key to their fate.
Which one of these would you rather have stuck in your DVD drawer?
Voting closes 1pm GMT (7am Central time, US & Canada) Sunday 16th May.
Tournament Table:
1st Round Result:
Harry Potter & The Sorcerer's Stone 18 - 5 Titanic
LOTR: Return of the King 27 - 7 Star Wars: The Phantom Menace
Last edited by jwoody; 09-20-2005 at 01:59 AM..