Originally posted by sixate
I seriously wish I knew where all these "never resort to violence/violence solves nothing" people lived. So I could break in their house, beat the fuck out of them, and rob them for everything they have without the fear of anything happening to me.... Any of you willing to give me an address? I really want it...
I was always taught that if someone hits/pushes me... To fucking push back even harder. The bully got exactly what he deserved.
Thinking that this kid is gonna turn Columbine after fucking up a bully is stupid. Dumb reference. Period!
How the hell can you expect a school to control a kid when the parents have never even tried to do it? It just doesn't happen. The problem is at home, and brought to school. To stop the problem you must stop it's point of origin......
Easy there bucko. I'd gladly give you my address if beating the shit out of a 100 lb female is gonna make you happy.
Columbine is a perfect reference, because if you allow one, you need to allow for the other. Who's to draw the line? The Columbine kids put up with alot more shit, so they should deserve to retaliate a little more harshly?