Originally posted by sixate
Thinking that this kid is gonna turn Columbine after fucking up a bully is stupid. Dumb reference. Period!
How the hell can you expect a school to control a kid when the parents have never even tried to do it? It just doesn't happen. The problem is at home, and brought to school. To stop the problem you must stop it's point of origin......
If you don't see a connection than you're not really trying. The point is that, if violent retaliation to bullying makes one a hero, than dylan klebold and erik harris are one hell of a dynamic duo. They were like "Fuck a pencil, and fuck just getting revenge on one of these fucks, let's kill as many as possible" And i'm sure all of you people calling this kid a hero, upon hearing about columbine, exclaimed "Well, good for them, it's about time somebody taught those bullies a lesson. Let's throw a parade for those heroic murderers!!" Didn't think so.
How the hell can i expect a school to control a kid? Are you aware of what schools do? They control kids, that's part of their fucking job. How can you try to pawn this off completely onto the parents? How can you even pretend to know anything about the parents, much less that "the parents have never even tried to do it(control a kid)??" Certainly parents play a role, but the article clearly stated that the school did essentially nothing to stop this kid from being bullied.
Violence has a tendency to cause more violence. This kid could've earned more respect from his class mates, or he could have just invited an even more severe ass whupping. Stabbing the wrong bully in the face with a pencil just might get you killed.
I'm not a pacifist, but kids stabbing eachother with pencils is not something i look at and think, "Way to go! Timmy is finally standing up and demanding the respect that he deserves."