I'd find out about the clientelle. I'd bet there are some pretty twisted people that call phone sex lines.
Where would you work out of? Many work out of their homes - if you have roommates or family - it could get weird if you share a phone line)
Is there a cover job for a resume? ie Phone Sales (don't laugh -- it legitimately happens)
What's expected out of you? (encourage customer to buy extras?)
How to handle customer wanting to know your number to call you directly or your address because they love you and well -- they'd want to give you the money directly rather than the agency.
It's the sex business -- what happens if a relative calls - or someone you know well
Only you can answer the weird question, talking dirty to someone you know well is one thing, someone calling because they are lonely and are just using you to get their rocks off -- how would that make you feel?
Your math teacher from 7th grade calls, you can't ever forget his voice and he wants you to spank his touchie --How do you think you'd react?
How would you react to being called some pretty vulgar, degrading names (IMHO) for someone to get their rocks off -- you'd like to beleive it's only money, but there's a person on the other end of the phone talking to you... calling you those names.
It's fun to think about in the fantasy aspect - but think about it really -- it's not just about money.
Free your heart from hatred. Free your mind from worries. Live simply. Give more. Expect less.