Back in the early 3D days, Nintendo's approach (as in cartoony graphics) were, to me, a way to make games look good with limited hardware potential. Since it was easier to make a smooth, rounded surface rather than a complex human-like polygon, games looked a lot better as cartoons than as 'realistic'. And really, nothing much has changed for me in that respect. The consoles today can render a heck of a lot more polygons than before, but I can still see them in a game where massive amounts of work hasn't gone into the graphics. I'm quite the opposite of Seer666. The hideous polygon monsters in many realistic games make me want to hit someone. Maybe in a few more console generations, the hardware will be able to render in-game polygons like they already can in FMV sequences ala Final Fantasy, and I'll be okay with realistic games. But until then, smooth and cartoony graphics look much better to me.