Originally posted by irseg
You have to deal with people on a level they can understand. Some people only understand violence; sitting down with them for tea and crumpets and calmly discussing the problem doesn't do the trick.
According to the article, the kid tried the "turn the other cheek" strategy for 2 years before he went to Plan B. And I bet the bully never fucked with the kid again. Violence should always be a last resort, but sometimes it is necessary.
Sorry if it conflicts with your view of a friendly world full of puppies and kittens and green grass where everyone holds hands and sings in perfect harmony, but it's the truth.
kittens and green grass...
I know a lot about violence in the school yard and what retribution can lead to...
a) I was bullied for most of the 5th and 6th grade. Teachers and Principals did nothing. When I fought back, which was almost always, I was never met with just one on one, it was always a group effort... Inevitably I would end up in the office with the bully or bullies and would face equal punishment (detention or the strap). I eventually used my head and stayed away from the bullies. I arrived for school as the bell rang and at lunch I would leave school grounds and only return when the bell rang. It let me get by. Eventually they moved on to other kids. All fighting back ever did was create more problems.
The interesting thing is that I've grown into a reasonably well adjusted adult. The last I heard of the lead bully was that he was somehow implicated in the death of his ex-fiance.
b) My best friend was bullied in high school. His solution was to kill his bullies and then kill himself. Used his father's P38.
Stick your tea and crumpets where the sun doesn't shine and don't underestimate experience.
When I say, violence begets violence I know of what I speak.
I'll go back to my kittens now.