In a related thought - I was reading a thread the other day about herb and I was listening some guys that were still smoking a lot of, by their admission, having to defend their choice to smoke and all that stuff about it doesn't necessarily make you lazy or turn you into a bumble-headed fuck up, and two thought occurred to me. One is exactly what the poster mentions - all the drama that goes along with that scene can really drag you down. Back when I was playing at being a dead-eye knight, I can remember all the hassle and self-induced stress that goes along with procuring and hiding. I think you'll find, depending your feelings about marajuana after you've quit, that it's actually relaxing to be able to say you support people's right to smoke or decriminalization or whatnot, without having to look over your shoulder to make sure you're speaking in fron of the wrong people. The other is : do y'all think that a drug, in general, actually fucks a person up, or is it the experiences and the psychological baggage that one acquires while on the drugs, or in the circle of people that use? It may be splitting hairs, but I think that with herb a lot of the baggage people carry is derived from the culture, not from the actual drug itself. In any case, good luck. If it feels right to quit, it probably is.
You don't love me, you just love my piggy style