One other decision you should make before purchasing a home is your reasoning behind doing so.
If you are looking to purchase a home to live in forever & ever, and are not really concerned with selling it, you would want to act completely different than if you were using a home as a tool to build equity for your next, bigger/better/more suitable home for you.
If you are looking at a home that you may live in forever, plan on doing so, although statistically, more than likely you will move out.
On the other hand, if you are looking to buy a home and use it strictly for profit, go into the deal with your eyes wide open and do not, even for a moment, consider staying there 10 seconds longer than originally planned...
If you need a better explanation/have questions, feel free to post on the "ask the loan officer thread" in the finance forum, or send me a PM, just in case I don't check back here for a while
In the meantime, good luck!