Yes... everything the police do to you in the name of stopping crack is o.k. What the hell are you borrowing a lawnmower from a crack dealer for anyway?
The Beheading of a person is worse than the "so called" torture the US Inflicted on the prisoners. Before the beheading was made public I was not happy with the actions of the soldiers and their abuse of prisoners... But afterwards... all I can think was... What if the US started Beheading all the captives whether they were Guilty or innocent. I mean the fact is, the guy that got beheaded was innocent... in fact, he went over to help the Iraqi's rebuild their country yet he was targeted and you know damn well he's not the first.
You know, people make statements about how what they did is no worse than what we did. People even say us invading them was wrong and talk about their innocents dying. What about our innocents? What about good people who go over their to do good and end up getting killed in retaliation for pictures? Some of you say America is getting what it deserves yet you also say two wrongs don't make a right.
The fact is... there's a power vaccuum over there right now and the people who are shooting at us, the people who hate us hate the fact that they aren't going to be in control over there. Without conflict they have no reason to exist and now their existence is being threatened.
The Cool thing about America is that we acknowledged the fact that we stepped over the line in the torturous humiliation of the prisoners and we're going to punish the people who did it. The Cool thing about America is that we can debate whether it was right or wrong without the threat of Death... because the regime that was over there before did not care for debate. In fact, if you spoke badly of those in command, you were imprisoned, tortured, your tongue was cut out, or you were killed and your family was killed also. The prisoner that's talking about how he was abused can FREELY go on television and share his story where as before... he'd be dead.
The fact is... whether you agree with our invasion or not... things are better for the Iraqi people now. They're finding a voice and they're using it... although some choose to speak with violence... and those people are the minority.
Your future looks very very grim!