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Old 05-13-2004, 03:24 AM   #1 (permalink)
Location: Philadelphia, PA
Cheap shot political cartoon

This really pissed my fellow collegues (teachers/counselors) and myself to the utmost when we seen the cover of the May 12th Philadelphia Daily News. On the cover was the boldest type I ever seen BASTARDS with a full image of the West Chester civilian prisoner captured.

Our anger was of course the fact that he was executed, but the real drive home anger was two things that we as Americans are insensitive to.
1) The bold cover type BASTARDS immediately spoke for us in the light as if we as americans are all Hockey-like minded in reacting to this barbaric act. Though the message is understood and felt as it is written, my collegues and I believe it was a poor use of symantics and could have been scripted in another manner. We all thought immediately "Flyers game reaction" Maybe because the Daily News is a Philly paper.

2) It is really fucked up to see a fellow American executed, but it is really fucked up when the newpaper shows images of the family grieving throughout the newpaper and having the nerve to (and this is the drive home anger here) place a political cartoon next to a picture of the father embracing his wife. The cartoon was (point made, sad but true) just not appropriate. It showed uncle sam and an islamic terrorist at a table as if they are playing a card game. Uncle sam places one of the US prisoners on the table with underware over his head, as the extremist says "I call your bluf" and holds the head out to uncle sam of the young executed American.

Put yourself in an objective position and set asside your patriotic pride just for a moment. If this horrific event happened to a family member of yours, you dad, mother, sister, brother, wife, husband, whoever...and your family is pasted grieving throughout the paper only to have a cartoon of you lost one beheaded to make a point (sad but true, but still...) I can't get over how insensitive the editor was in publishing it. The sad part about it is; is it only my collegues and myself who recognized the insensitivity of the paper publishing it, especially considering they surely seen it since they are locals to the Philly area. Damn i'm mad. If you want to see the article and cartoon, it should be the Philadelphia Daily News online. I'm not gonna contribute to advertise the cartoon with a scan, that would be just wrong, but if you want, seek it out. To the Philadelphia inquire editor....your an Insensitive ASSHOLE! To the artist.....CHEAP SHOP for some bucks.


Last edited by ARTelevision; 05-13-2004 at 03:34 AM..
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