9 out of 12. Would be a pretty poor score for school. Some of those things though we are led to believe that we vote for the president because we VOTE. It's what they do with our votes that makes the difference. The system worked fine for early America but I think it needs some work. Also about us being a republic - I know that's true but so often on the news they talk about democracy and being democratic that people get the wrong idea. Part of the problem isn't as much with the US citizens but our history/social studies textbooks and the teachers in our elementary schools. (I can talk because I've been an El Ed teacher) We don't teach or public the basics. We spend all this time on new movements in our country and politcal bias when we aren't spending enough time on the facts of how things are actually run and the structure of it all. If students/people understood the structure better we'd be running things better and they would understand why our government makes some of the decisions that it does. As far as imigrants - My opinion there is we started as a country with open doors but we hand out our taxes to people who refuse to learn the language that the majority use here. I know spanish some but that doesn't mean that I'm going to speak in spanish when everything else here is written and spoken in English first. The first immigrants had to learn to adapt not Americans to the immigrants.
"Always learn the rules so that you can break them properly." Dalai Lama
My Karma just ran over your Dogma.