Originally posted by fhqwhgads
Even without the "moron" comment, I find comments like "can't you read" and telling someone that they lack education to be childish.
Can't someone disagree with you without being belittled?
i am the most welcoming person on earth of an entertaining educated arguement. its the best way of learning new perspectives and information. unfortunately, what we have in this thread is alot of bad information being passed off as fact and as support for the removal of our president. its the kind of activity that breeds ignorance. some kid comes to the forum and jumps on the thread and reads through to find that several of the posters here believe that this man had his head cut off because the US in iraq as part of president Bush's penchant for world domination. this kid unwittingly takes this as some sort of truth and attempts to pass it off as fact to his friends. no doubt the same process that led many of you to the conclusions you have come to based on what is essentially...bullshit. crack a history book, get with the program and form an educated opinion please and stop the feeding the cycle of gross ignorance.