Bounty: Everything phaenx said is true, and will certainly help you lose weight the quickest way possible. However..changing your diet that radically and that quickly will be a huge shock to you both mentally and need to work yourself into the habit of eating healthier and just generally living a healthier lifestyle.
My advice, is to start off with 3 simple things:
A) Come up with a good program, get some help from people at the gym, or online, or come up with one your own! Only you know what you like best. Basically, break down your body parts into 3-4 different days.
B) Cut out chips/pop/candy/chocolate/cookies. This is neccesary, it needs to be done right away. Eating a bag of chips a day, or a glass of pop every day, will fuck you up. It needs to stop right away.
C) Do more cardio.
I think you should start off doing these things, and then once you've lost a few more pounds and have proven to YOURSELF that you are dedicated, move onto a diet like phaenx showed you which will further help you to shed off the pounds. The trick is to take small steps, if you try to do everything at once, you'll likely become discouraged and give it up...
You don't like my point of view..but im insane