Originally posted by Grimlok
...The best is when I went to get a loan to consolidate my debt and they told me I needed to pay my debts before they could give me a loan... but my white roommate walked out of the same bank with over $1k more than he asked for even though he was 8 times more in debt then me...
I just reread this post again... This is
EXACTLY what I am talking about. Although I stated in a previous post that it was probably due to poor credit, let's say for the sake of arguement that it was indeed because you are black. Did you like being denied because of your race? Do you think it's ok that your white friend got the loan even though he had more debt?*
If we are using this as an example, this is exactly what is taking place all over the US thousands of times a day. Whites have stricter underwriting guidelines than non-whites. Basically, in non lender jargon-
If a white person and a non-white person, with identical credit, income, bills, ect. walked into a bank & asked for a mortgage loan to buy a house, if the white person gets denied, there is a chance that the non-white may get approved.
I think that it's B.S., and probably feel much the same way that you do about being denied because you are black. However, the difference lies in the fact that this is government sponsered, so it isn't just the occasional bank that is discriminatory, it is mandatory for all banks to be.
*I am not trying to give the impression with those questions that I am in any way hostile about this, I am simply trying to show that regardless of who is discriminated against, is still sucks.
For all those people out there saying that white people are just whining, you may be right. But, we didn't just say that non-whites were just whining when they said they were being discriminated against. I will be the first to admit that white people aren't nearly as affected by discrimination as non-whites were in America's History (lynching, ect) but, discrimination is discrimination is discrimination.
To be honest, this probably is the first time in American history that discrimination against whites has really happened on a large scale, and to call us whiners or think that we are just pitying ourselves is ignorant, while at the same time complaining about discrimination against non-whites - because it is the same thing. It is simply percieved differently because whites were gernerally doing the discriminating in the past.
I personally stand for equality, true equality where nothing is judged based on race or sex. I certainly think that lowering the standards to be able to incorperate a more diverse workforce is the worst thing that we can do. Instead of everyone striving for excellence, certain genders/non-whites have less stringent requirements that could have a terrible affect in the end.
An example of this would be firefighters. To be a firefighter, you have to be able to perform certain physical tasks, such as carry a hose X feet, drag a person X heavy for X long, ect. However, women are usually not as strong as men. (Please don't read to much into this, there are many of buff women out there and weak men, but generally speaking, this holds true) To combat this, they lowered the physical requirements for women to meet to become a fightfighter.
If a loved one of mine dies in a fire because a women that was put there so that we could live in a more politically correct world is unable to carry/drag that person out, when a man's requirements would allow him to do so, I will be one pissed off guy. I am all for equality, but to put peoples lives at risk to be politically correct just seems assinine.