If you've got a partner then try your luck with them
But if you don't (and it seems you don't, otherwise [hopefully] you wouldn' need to masturbate so much!) then I think it's safe to say you can get yourself off now
It's been long enough, have your fun, but be very gentle, and take as long as you want. Don't hurry it and certainly don't squeeze your penis too hard. Pretend your hand is a vagina and you should be ok from now on. Just don't do it too often.
If you masturbate too often you won't go blind or get hairy palms, but I do believe that you'll get used to it. Guys get off from the 'up and down' feelings. If you get so used to a hard, rough hand doing it, a nice soft vagina won't have a chance!
WarWagon's right when he said a lot of it is mental. It took me many months to actually be able to come during sex with my current girlfriend. Months of being single, and before that, a bad relationship where I had <i>never</i> ejaculated during sex for an entie year, meant that I simply couldn't come during sex. And getting no 'bang' out of sex meant that I became less and less interested, and after a while not only could I not come, but I couldn't even get it up half the time, and the time that I could it just didn't feel good. My girlfriend was patient and understanding, we tried and we talked a lot, and now I can last for three hours if I want and almost come on demand!