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Old 05-11-2004, 11:33 PM   #33 (permalink)
Originally posted by pan6467
OY............ Slvr, calm down man, don't make me sorry I defended you. There is opinion and then there is just saying things to start fights. I defended your right to opinion, there is no right to pick fights by flaming.

Irate even appolgized and said he jumped the gun and you can't let it go.

Look, the war is doing negative things to all of us. And until it is over and the men and women putting their lives on the line for my rights come home, NOBODY outside of the military truly knows what is going on over there.

For the war or against the war doesn't matter. The press only reports innuendoes and "facts" from sources that probably can be rebuked fully by the other side with their set of "facts".

There are 2 very sad things happening in my opinion because of this war.

1) We are dividing farther and farther and making this solely a political party thing, which helps noone and hurts the war effort. Whether we agree with the war or disagree, we are at war and MUST above all support our troops and pray for a positive ending. History has led us here, the why's and how's are speculation and irrelevant now, all we can do is change leadership if we feel that the leadership was wrong.

2) The biggest concern I have over this war, is the fact here at home we are crying over the price of gas, what Stern says and making very few sacrifices. While the families and friends of our men and women over there worry about how and when their loved ones will come home. We tend to backpage what goes on over there. Unless it is a local kid, the national news just reports a death and moves on like it is nothing.

Not saying we have to blindly follow our leader (hell, noone hates Bush more than me) but please for the love of God, let us stop fighting over the why and how and bullshit of the war and work together to help find a way to bring our troops home safe.
How come its always just the troops, why doesnt anyone give a shit about the innocents dying, you care more about the people who are killing the innocents.
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