Originally posted by pan6467
Whoaaaa Nelly.
Opinion:noun: unproven but probale belief; 2 what one thinks of something (American Century Dictionary)
Some of you vets are giving this rookie a needless hard time.
His original post was not flame-bait or anything else.
He GAVE his opinion, he typed "in my opinion", he didn't try to start anything, he was simply stating what he felt.
It's a sad commentary on us as a society when we cannot allow a man to give his opinion, right or wrong, based on fact or fiction. It shows me we are so eager to fight we don't care about people's opinions anymore. That we need to jump on someone with a differing opinion because having their belief they pose a threat to us.
We need rookies on this board to keep it alive and flowing with new OPINION and discussions or else we face a stale and stagnant death.
In my opinion, you guys are jumping just to jump on someone. He meant nothing by it, and just expressed his point of view in a harmless way.
It is those who chose to see it as flame bait and pursue and then read into his replies what you chose to.
To be able to post your harmless opinion (as he did) is what we have men and women over there dying for. It was not racist, it attacked noone, on this board, and it is an opinion shared by many here, that feel they can no longer voice an opinion because people then choose to fight and cry and call foul a harmless belief.
Stop being so sensitive. And to be honest I know now I will be attacked as a flamer, which is sad because my intent was only to allow a man his freedom of harmless opinion.
Dont waste your breath, they will not listen. Also, im not that much of a rookie, ive been registered since Nov