Lol, well, I guess exotic dancer isn't exactly the best example, but it was one of the few female dominated careers that I can think of at this late hour. My point was, I don't really see any scholarships/grants out there to promote a white male to do anything, yet there are scholorships/grants out there for women/minorities to do pretty much anything.
I understand the "social enclaves", and unfortunately it does happen far to often, IMHO.
I started this thread simply to question the politics behind it, I am not trying to blame anyone for being for/against these programs, If I were a minority, I most certainly would take advantage of whatever I could.
I just think that racism & discrimination would be easier to get rid of as a whole if noone, especially the government, allowed biasing anything on race and/or sex.
I think a lot of the problem are people's perceptions on different races.
When you see that word, what color was the person that you pictured? I would imagine most would picture black, but I am certain that there are quite a number of people out there that are gang members from every race.
What did you picture there? If I name a race, people will still have preconcieved ideas of what people should be like. If I had to take a gander, I would bet that most non-asians associate the word asian with incredibly good/hardworking students with large families.
I am curious as to what this brings to mind to you non-whites out there. It would be difficult for me to come up with a non-biased description, as I am white.
Another misperception is that groups that are usually comprised of a single race, like the group of asian friends that hang out at school or whatever, don't want any non-asians in that group. When I was in highschool, I met a really interesting asian girl and she and her friends welcomed me with open arms. It was kinda funny, though, to play football with them, as I was a tall white dude and I was playin' with a bunch of tiny Asians. Anyway, the point of this excercise was to show how our common perceptions/misperceptions limit our ability to interact with these so called "enclaves". Certainly some do exist, but many are more open than anyone would dare believe.