Originally posted by Macheath
These two visceral images are icons; symbolic representations. They both elicit a strong reaction but on two very different levels. The beheading represents the irredeemable madness of fanatics. The leash represents a monumental failure of command and policy.
The idea underlying both is a failure to respect the rights of another human being. In one case, their very right to life, their right to be free from psychological abuse.
The leash image is certainly "not as bad" but it exists on the same continuum of man's inhumanity to man - that extends all the way from punching a guy for being a certain race or creed....to mass genocide.
The very existence of the United States is meant to refute this inhumanity. America is meant to be the world's (last?) best hope for the rights of man. This is the underlying ideology.
The beheading hardens my resolve against forgiving the inhumanity of the prison guards. It shows me how truly bad things CAN become in this world and how America shold resist all temptation to ever set off down the same dark path.
Well said. Macheath's words serve as further evidence to my own personal theory - the Australians really have their shit together, more so than any other people on Earth.