See, this is the problem right here:
To come up with another analogy, if the USA was a footrace started from this moment, whites would have a significant head start. Should we try to correct that disparity, or should we just hope that the other ethnic groups are fast enough to catch up?
Who cares if the GROUPS catch up? Was the Klan right, and the blacks really are all in this together? I was under the impression that racist behavior was treating someone as though the color of their skin classified them as part of a group. I mean, news flash- you are not all in this together. No matter what your skin color is, it's you and you alone vs. life. I have never had my white brethren rally at my place to assist in any emergency I've been in. Whoever claims that white people are some kind of unified group are lying, plain and simple.
It's such a hypocritical double-standard- don't give different treatment to someone of a particular skin color. You know, unless that skin color isn't white and that treatment is good. Then you must treat them differently. How does that not promote the idea that these minority groups are very real and very separate from the rest of us?
Here's how pretty much everyone I know in college feels about it. I have never once discriminated against anyone in my life. I have never treated anyone better or poorer than I felt they deserved based solely on the content of the character. And yet, I am constantly told by the media and "community leaders" (whatever the hell that is, never saw that line on a tax form) that I have actually been surrounded and participated in vicious racist behavior all my life, and now that I'm in college, it's time to pay for it. So there's a Women's Engineering Society, a Black Engineer's Society, etc., but no White or Male Engineering Society. If anyone tried to make one, shit would hit the roof. So what's the message I take home? Women and minorities are perfectly happy forming sub-groups to exclude me, but I can't do it to them. How in the hell is that not racist again?