Originally posted by slvrnblck
A "few bad soldiers" is all we hear of. Dont tell me this shit doesnt go on everyday, im sure its much more than a 'few', just because its not on the news, does not mean it does not happen.
"This shit" DOESN'T go on everyday. And until you can prove otherwise, I can't do anything but take your comment as presumtion. Does prisoner abuse happen? I'm sure it does, but the extent of humiliation and torture? I highly doubt it.
Originally posted by slvrnblck
The problem is that America has a double standard, everything they do is right, but everything the so called enemy does is wrong. Dont get me wrong, I feel awful for what happened to that young civilian, and believe that those responsible should be killed for what they have done, but please stop making it seem like the entire islamic people are at fault for everything and that they are evil killers when Mr Bush started this entire thing to begin with. I am not on anyones side, I disagree with war in general.
I will have to agree with you there. The media certainly is playing this up to the point that you sorta wonder who is fighting this war.
I'm not sure who you're directing the comment "but please stop making it seem like the entire islamic people are at fault..." to. But I hope it certainly isn't me, because I don't believe I haven't EVER portrayed all Islamic people being bad.