Inter-racial relationships isn't a taboo in my book. It's a matter of preference. Older generations that were raised during the early ages of American history or whatever have opened this opportunity of democracy for us to be one as whole from it's fragments or human diversity just as the total is the sum of the parts.
Just to note, there maybe factions that opposes this type of infrastructre just as there are terrorists or extremist as the way to settle differences. Anything in the bible that is taken litterally may be hazardous if a middleman has control of it. Words and conscious are powerful entity that causes fear for the vulnerable minds indeed.
Sorry, I went off on a tangent. Basically, the sword of choice is sharp, but the sword of humanity if blunt. Ack. Okay. Forget it. Plain english, I meant your choice can pierce someone's heart. But your oath to yourself will not kill you, unless you vow to kill yourself.