Originally posted by thingstodo
I woke up about 12:30 that morning from a very sound sleep, somewhat startled. I had the keen perception that someone was in the room with me. The feeling went away after about five minutes. Now, we've all probably done that sort of thing; however, this time it was extremely intense for me. I got a call about five minutes later that my father-in-law had passed away - five minutes earlier.
That section keeps sending shivers down my spine!
My only true experience occurs regularly at work. I work at a local hospital in the Accident & Emergency Department. Our filing room is in the ominously named "basement".
The first time I went down there to search out some notes I had no clue of its history. I must of spent a good 15 minutes looking for a box of notes with a work colleague who was showing me where everything is. After this time we began to get to a stage of just giving up. The closest box we could find was the "next" one in sequence but the box had no neighbours and just empty shelf space.
Slightly annoyed I couldn't find it I said "oh that box should be right _here_" making a direct pointing action touching the bare shelf. We walked round the corner still searching but shortly after decided to quit and return back to reception. Before we left we went for one last look in the "sequence". The box had suddenly appeared in the correct place with the set of notes we were looking forward slightly poking out. We both looked at each other slightly awkwardly and made for a quick exit.
Later that day I find out that room used to be the old hospital mortuary! A ghost does live down their and goes by the name of "Henry"! Many people have heard him make noises and move things around and one even claims to talk to him!
Well it wasn't the last time I would experience him. If I can't find some notes I just say out loud what my problem is and several minutes later I stumble upon them. I'm sure he's playing some sort of game with us but he hands them over in the end so I can't complain!