Originally posted by KnifeMissle
I don't think this is quite true. When you're dating someone, they are the only person you want to be with, right then. If someone better came along, what would you think? Would you deliberately avoid them because you might develop feelings for this better person? Really?
If I was in a relationship, there wouldn't be anyone else better that could come along. Unless say... Colin Farrell should show up at my door, but I doubt that'll happen. When I'm in a relationship, I think that person is the best person out there for me. There is nobody else. This is honestly how I operate. If you're my boyfriend, then you're it for me. If I were to meet another guy, I couldn't even entertain the thought of that person being my boyfriend. The second I begin to think that the person I'm with isn't the one for me, then it's off. I don't see the point in staying in a relationship if I don't feel like the person is compatable to me. If I were to stay with the person knowing that he isn't for me, then it would just get worse. Sure, I'd getting affection and all that stuff on a regular basis, but it would be empty for me.
Even if you did develop feelings for the other person, you still have a choice of whether to pursue it or not. Despite what you have heard in the movies, things don't "just happen." Things happen because you make them happen. It's that simple.
I agree that things just don't happen. Which is why I couldn't choose to half ass pursue somebody else while in a relationship. I couldn't ask a guy out for coffee with the intent of getting to know him to see if we had potential as a couple. That would't be fair to the relationship that I'm currently in.
Much of your argument is just rhetoric (which I regret hearing from you).
What do you mean by that?
Why bother being in a relationship? Well, just because you might find someone better, later, doesn't mean you don't enjoy being intimate with the person you're with, right? This is just common sense and nothing about it is a part of fashion.
I talked a bit about this already... Of course I'm not silly enough to think that the very next relationship that I'll enter into will result in a white picket fence and 2.5 kids and that whole bit. Relationships fail all of the time. But like I said, when I'm with somebody I act as if this is it. This is the one. The second I start feeling differently, well, it's time to have a nice long talk with my boyfriend...
A romantic relationship, despite how long it has lasted, is not a marriage. In my opinion, marriage isn't taken seriously enough by society, so perhaps it's meaning has been diluted, but that's what I think you're thinking of, Averett...
Of course just any old relationship doesn't equate to a marriage. I also think that the meaning of marriage has been diluted a bit. But I guess when I'm in a commited relationship, then that's it.
Hell, I've taken up too much space in this thread as it is. And this was way off topic. Sorry yall... This is a topic for another thread in another day....
If anyone wants to talk more about this stuff with me, just send a PM.
I'm not angry with anyone or pissed or whatever. I just have a history with this kind of thing.