My buddies have sent me some stuff that turned my stomach.
One was a video of a couple of japanese girls sitting in a tub and barfing on each other.... then picking out pieces and eating them. share and share alike I always say, but that's just wrong.
Then I've seen a video of someone in a poor 3rd world country eat a kitten. Not so bad in of itself, as you can't tell what the meat is while they cook it. But the video starts with them killing the kitten. The guy gives it a good whack on the head, then starts cutting into it's neck, all while it's still alive and breathing. You can see the kitten start to struggle when it's neck starts to get cut. *gasps of shock&awe go up from the crowd*
I understand that poeple in poor countires have to do things to survive, but I personally just found it sad and horrible.
Oh, and anything on will make me ill...and quickly.
"The problem with quick and dirty, as some people have said, is that the dirty remains long after the quick has been forgotten" - Steve McConnell
Last edited by cartmen34; 05-11-2004 at 11:12 AM..