Not alot of things get under my skin, capital punishment is one, men taking away a woman's right to choose is another, but one thing that will constantly make me wonder what the fuck is going on is the UN.
The latest rotten egg to be dropped by the UN is the decision to appoint Sudan the head of the UN Human Rights Commission.
Now I'm not sure how many of you are in the loop concerning Sudan's human rights record, I'd say Sultan is, but I'll post a little SUD101 for you...
Sudan is led by an Arab military dictator, whose extremist Islamic regime, when not holding international confrences on terrorism, is busying itself with a horrific war against black african tribes in the country's western Darfur province, along with the war it's already waging in the christian south.
Over the past 12 months over a million people in Darfur have fled the government-backed rape gangs, the bombings of villages and the massacres of civilians, with over 100,000 of them pissing off to Chad in what can only be described as an ethnic cleansing.
So how does the UN respond to this evil in Sudan? Why, it last week elects Sudan to it's Human Rights Commission, it's main human rights 'watchdog'. Yep, you guessed it, the very same Human Rights Commission that was chaired last year by Libya
Was there an uproar last week when the Sudannese got the good news they'd been elected as one of the world's moral policemen to sit in judgement over countries like Australia, which commission regularily accuses us of cruelty to aboriginies and fake refugees (don't get me started on THAT

)? Shit no. In defence of the US, their delegate did apparently walk out declaring the Americans wouldn't participate in the absurdity, but then again, he did the same thing last year when Cuba was voted on, and that did fuck-all. Unfortunatel for most aid groups there's no profit in attacking the UN, or backing the US for that matter.
At this point I'd like to say that Australia is also on the panel, and by no means is our past pristine, but surely we have more right to be there than alot of the present representatives. Lets have a look... Guinea, Pakistan, Togo, Malaysia... not too many flash records there, but it gets better... Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Congo, getting shakey... China? Zimbabwe? For fuck's sake, the syphilitic Mugabe loves nothing better than sitting around, figuring out more humane ways to beat pro-democracy activists and white farmers to death.
Although these days nothing the UN does really surprises me. Reports came out a few weeks ago re: how UN officials close to the French, Russian, and Chinese governments were up to their numerous chins in a $12 billion oil-for-food scam to get cheap oil from Saddam in exchange for massive kickbacks and (I suspect) promises to save his genocidal regime.
Not only that, we already know of the UN's failure to even try to stop the genocide of 800,000 Rwandans, or the genocide of 2 million Cambodians, or even 3000 Bosnian civilians in a UN 'safe' zone in Srebrenica.
Meanwhile, the killings in the Sudan continues and famine draws near, and here in Australia, as well as plenty over there in the US i'm sure, declare that in times of crisis we must honour and obey the UN. They're just the good guys you see... just ask that nice UN man from Sudan over there when he's finished shooting those african farmers.