Losing weight isn't about starving yourself. This is the common misconseption. If you just lower your calorie intake, from let's say 2000 to 1500 a day... all that it will do for you is slow down your metabolism. This means that after you lose weight and come back to your regular diet, you'll gain those pounds back sooner than you think. Counting carbs (Atkins diet) can only lead to more problems like ketoacidosis, and you'll lose mostly your water mass not fat mass.
The best way to lose weight is to eat healthy... (less fried foods.. more fiber... whole wheat bread... avoid bagels) and exercise frequently. Just remember, when exercizing you have to make up a strict routine which you must follow. Going to the gym once a week will only cause more problems with your heart than it'll help you.
Being on a healthy diet and exercise will help you lose roughly 1 pound a week, and will speed up your metabolism helping you stay in shape for a long time.