Monarchy - what do you think?
I was wondering a bit about monarchy today. There is this common notion that kings and queens belong to fairytales, yet so many countries, even the wealthy and modern ones, still keep monarchy as their form government of choice. Aristocracy seems to be something that a lot of the people are keen on becoming a part of. Now, personally I don’t understand how the fact that someone was born a son of an aristocratic ruler makes him any more suitable of governing power more then somebody from the “common” folk. From my point of view, aristocrats are scroungers, who seem to take pride and joy from distancing themselves evermore from all other parts of the society. I think we had enough instances in the past that showed clearly that monarchy is a flawed form of government (not to mention all the inbreeding, and the results of that – hemophilia, anyone?), and yet so many countries keep up with it, blatantly refusing to acknowledge that they’re being exploited by a bunch of people living in castles. Can anyone at least try to explain the pros of keeping monarchy in today’s world, other the upholding the sentiment in some people’s heads?