I've got ADHD, so I know how much of an issue it is. I had my best academic year ever as a freshman in high school. Following that, I decided that I no longer wanted to use medication as a crutch. It was a steady decline from there and I ended up dropping out of high school after the first semester of my senior year and finishing my diploma in home school. That should be a testament to the difficulties of living with such a disorder.
I have not been on any medication since and I've relatively successful at work, though I have dropped out of a serious attempt at college. Classes 3 hours at a time and ADHD are NOT a good mix.
I know that if I took medication, I could be much more successful at school and possibly have a degree by now. I'm not willing to sacrifice my personality for it.
Now, if you can get people to do shit for you, regardless of the reason, then you're set for life. Forget the moral implications. I'm the do-it-yourself kinda guy, so I don't bother to lean on the crutch of having said disorder when it comes to why I can and cannot do things. If I fail, then I'll accept that I'm just not cut out for such things and I will find success in other areas.