Completely factual... but obviously you're still taking it from the white perspective.
I think, however, in some of your examples, put in the % of the U.S. population based upon the numbers and you might see that the government is trying to balance it out based upon #s of whites and a share vs. # of blacks and a share (meaning, in other words, a black may have a higher chance due to fewer people)
Whether you agree or disagree with that method is another thing of course...
And to the comment by stingc on orientals and other places:
That isn't very true. Yes many do become successful when immigrating from poor areas.. but put it this way.
My mother and some of her family immigrated here in the 70's for college. She had already finished college in Taiwan and was coming to the U.S. for graduate stuff. She was already very well off in Taiwan as her parents were top bank officials and traders in Taiwan.
Many, and i say it again, many of those who have immigrated to the U.S. are those already well off enough to take that next step to immigrate to America. Take Indians (not Native Americans), for example - the only ones you will see here are those who are already considered upper class enough in Indian society to immigrate. The majority of Indians are too low in status to move. That's a big reason why we see (stereotyped or not) so many Indian doctors and lawyers - because those who can leave the country, are already those high enough in society.
This goes very well for a great load of Asians - the new wave of Chinese are coming from mainland China (the wave before was mainly from Taiwan). And these aren't poor peasants by any means - they are people rich enough to actually move out here and some are filthy rich (mom is a real estate broker and gets lots of these customers)
I think its easy to write down and say Asians are a model immigrant minority... that's simply based upon a very very small and mostly upper class minority in Asian society that has the ability to even move here. If you moved the typical Asian society to the U.S. in numbers equivalent to Hispanics or African Americans here, you will see conditions far worse.