Okay, here are three bands that I am really enjoying, even though I've barely heard any tracks (except for Eisley).
Categorically/genre speaking, they are all female vocal harmonizing groups. And thats being really broad.
Eisley is pop-rock, but most likely will be marketed as a teeny-pop band. The Haden Triplets are actually triplets who are less pop, less rock (from what I've been able to hear). The Ditty Bops are a throwback to 1920's bathhouse/caberet songs.
Eisley are three sisters, one brother, and one neighbor in a band.
http://www.eisley.org for more info. Coming straight out of Texas, they have released 2 EP's (Laughing City, and Marvelous Things), and are signed currently to Warner Brothers records. I was "lucky" enough to hear/see their video for Marvelous Things on MTV2, during the Subterranean program. There's a slight Children of the Corn thing going on in the video, but beyond that they have pretty much all the makings of being successful. Reasons: Young (2-3 of them are below 18), white, and they are being managed by the same people as the ones that manage Coldplay in the US. After purchasing both the EP's, I have to say that the emphasis is on the vocals. But with the album being set for a summer 04 release, I'm expecting a little more showmanship on the instruments this time around. (EP's released independantly).
Haden Triplets - Heard them on KCRW's Weekend Becomes Eclectic with Anne Litt. She was able to see them perform at SXSW 04, and was practically blown away. Very tight vocals from the demo that is played on the radio. Hopefully they will get a deal with a recording company and produce something for the market (so i can get it without too many problems)
Ditty Bops - KCRW = WBE with Anne Litt again. Song "Sister Kate" is a cover of an old old song. Extremely fun, really retro to say the least.
Http://www.thedittybops.com for more info, and pics. One of them is pretty hot.