yes and no to much of this post...
I think on the one hand people need to take their heads out of their asses and realize that they themselves may not have truly deserved what someone else got... I mean psychologically all of us are going to look favorably upon ourselves or friends. That doesn't mean they're better but our perspective will say so til we believe it and thus its an example.
On the other hand, yes, there are many who don't deserve to get something that do and instead it is discriminatory.
I'll begin here by saying that I am from Los Angeles were much of the racism isn't all that prevalent as everywhere you go, you will see a diverse array of people. Its true there are enclaves or races but you honestly can't find a place that is more diverse.
As to the idea that people are culturally more focused... i say bullshit. I'm half Asian and the area I live in is almost entirely split between Asian and Hispanics. And I say bullshit.. why?
My family has had a strong emphasis on education and looking at my Asian side of the family, they have an emphasis too.
But is it culturally so? No. There were many Asians at schools who were complete fuck-ups that didn't deserve to be in Honors programs and what not because they cheated. Now of course that is not the norm but to say they are culturally more focused on education - that's not true.
The stereotype that blacks and hispanics aren't ... that's not true either. Generally many weren't focused but the truth is, there were many hard workers who did great.
But I'll put this for you to ponder:
A person's attitude and will to get ahead in society is the number one deciding factor. Because no matter how much money you have, if you are a lazy bum who can't say a coherent sentence, then all the money in the world isn't going to save you from being an unskilled fool.
At a close number two? Money and social status. A family that is well off (the Asian side of my family immigrated here a few decades ago but they were already quite well off and college educated) is going to have more of a focus on education no matter what.
What did I generally see in my years in schools and LA? No matter the race, often times if your family is in the middle to upper class, the family is going to focus on education more, and the child is going to get better support for school.
Now of course, my #1 factor shows that even poor can get ahead and can be brilliant at school through hard work.
But at the same time, the money and social status is important in how a child is raised. Many Hispanics I know have parents that did not have college educations. Many Asians I know have parents that did. Thus the emphasis is going to be changed - from my experience, Asians with college degrees are going to hold their children to much higher standards.
Anyways, I think most people get my point and may wonder what I am trying to get at..
Both social and economic status matter and shouldn't be discarded simply for not fitting a person's idea.
As for affirmative action and discrimination against whiites?
Trust me on this one - everyone wants their advantage and will do whatever it takes to find some grievance to make a big deal out of it.
In some ways, this call for racism against whites is the same thing that a minority may call for discrimination at work. Whether or not it is there, the simple feeling that they are being discrimianted will be brought up into a big issue. I see the exact same thing here.
And, another note, is that people will always focus on what they like. I remember doing college apps and from my experience, many Asians may be thinking "man I'm asian, i won't get any treatment... i hate affirmative action" then elsewhere they may be pro-affirmative action