wow...I would have hated to see the response to this if I had actually done something!!! The staying over till 5 am.....was not only was a couple buddies of mine...and of it was pretty neutral.....and I was the DD. Yeah...maybe I'm a little curious after being out of the 'game' for such awhile.....and am drawn to this girl for being real forward. She wasn't being slutty though.....just a good girl looking for a sweet guy......and she figured I was single.....maybe this is my way of sub-consciously avoiding the topic of getting 'more' serious with my gf...I have no idea.??? Just don't bust my balls.....cause I haven't done anything's like B'ing my b'lls for having a wet dream about another chick......kinda along the same's just thoughts right now.
i do appreciate the responses though...they have helped my open my eyes a bit...cause if not I would be meeting this girl for coffee right now.....instead of reading these posts!