I got a speeding ticket when I was 18. I was going 58 mph in a zone which I thought was 55 mph, but I, like a lot of other people who showed up in court that day, missed a sign somewhere that said the speed limit dropped to 35 mph on this 4 lane highway in the middle of nowhere (can you say SPEEEDTRAP?). My ticket was somewhere around $100, but when I showed up in the court the judge told everyone that a new law in Washington had been passed where if you pay $100 and do not committ any new offenses for two years, the ticket will be erased permanently. So I did that.
I'm 22 now and a few months ago I got plled over for doing 70 in a 60, but the officer said "Since you've got a clean record I'm going to let you off with a warning." So I guess the first ticket really did get erased. Also, some people have said that if the cop does not show up to court you are off the hook, this may be true in some states but not in Washington. All the officer has to do is type up a sworn affidavit saying "I caught John Doe on September 17 going 20 mph above the speed limit, all my equipment was working fine that day and I have been operating radar guns for 15 years blah blah balh etc." The cop is not required to show up to court unless you supeona him.
"A casual stroll through the lunatic asylum shows us that faith proves nothing." - Friedrich Nietzsche