Guess I will allow you to consider my opinion as unfounded, as I really haven't the inclination to debate the benefits of bieng a white male in America. The "Near religious fervor" you felt from my post was all in your interpretation of the message. I honestly don't place this issue in a high priority in my list, as there is little I can do to change it.
Fact was definately too strong of a word in this instance, simply because one has to be willing to accept a fact for it to be so. I will however, stick to my assumption of opportunity bieng more prevelant to this class of people in our society.
This will sound like a slam, but is in fact just an honest observation, I apologize in advance for the way it will sound.
There is a certain level of thought required to fully appreciate the depths of "built in" opportunity within our culture, that is directed towards those with money and power. I will refrain from further activity on this thread to avoid becoming negative towards the lack of comprehension I percieve. (note this is only my opinion).
Poverty and poor education are a serious disadvantage in life.
Holding onto anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned. - Buddha