I don't know if I'm being discriminated against as a white male. I do agree with Chris Rock about how great it is to be white.
There ain’t a white man in this room that would change places with me! And I’m rich! That’s how good it is to be white. There’s a one-legged busboy in here right now saying, ‘I don’t want to change. I’m gonna ride this white thing out, see where it takes me.
Anecdotal evidence of successful minorities aside, looking at
census data on poverty and race from 2002:
9.9% of whites below the poverty line
22.7% of blacks
10.2% of Asian/Pacific Islander
21.4% of Hispanic
Now I don't know if minorities are incapable of fending for themselves, but social Darwinism would seem to suggest that Hispanics and Blacks (or African-Americans, or whatever) should be ground up and spat out. To come up with another analogy, if the USA was a footrace started from this moment, whites would have a significant head start. Should we try to correct that disparity, or should we just hope that the other ethnic groups are fast enough to catch up?