Originally posted by tecoyah
considering the years(decades) of discrimination, which have lead to an obvious disparity in the ratio of well educated minorities, I can see the need for an equalizer. Is it fair, No. Does it work, Doubtful. Is it at least an attempt, Yes. We unfortunately, are attempting to create an even playing field out of a canyon, and it wont be easy.
I'm sorry, but if you admit that it is doubtful that racism against whites works to "create an even playing field out of a canyon," why on earth would you support it? If anything, it adds to the problem by creating racial tension where there should be none. If I walked into a fast food restaurant and ordered a hamburger but they only gave me a patty and a half-eaten bun, I would not be satisfied with the product and I wouldn't give it an "A for effort" though it would be the politically correct thing to do. So, why would you be satisfied with an unfair "equalizer" that you don't think even works? Wouldn't you rather that a fair and working system be thought up and put into action rather than half-assed "well, it might work, but we doubt it" legislation?
Originally posted by tecoyah
As for the white male getting Zero preferential treatment, I beg to differ. As a representative of this class of person, I see (in the big picture) far more opportunity for myself from birth to death, than for any other class of humans on this earth, there can be no doubt about this FACT.
Facts require evidence. Please provide evidence the next time you proclaim an
opinion of yours to be fact. I pass as a straight white male and have received absolutely no preferential treatment because of it. However, if I fill out the race portion of applications correctly, I get all sorts of call-backs. This is not "equalizing" -- it's racism.
Originally posted by tecoyah
I am reminded of the spoiled child, bitching about vanilla ice cream, when he wanted chocolate, right in front of the child with none.
I fail to see how this relates. Are you suggesting that minorities are incapable to fend for themselves in this White Man Holding You Down world? That's nonsense. There are many minorities who have become successful by their own will and determination. So-called "minorities" will soon out-number whites in this country, and hold positions in every area of our marketplace.