I don't know what the percentage figures are, but they are very high on wrongfull convictions. Talk to any ex con or prison guard about who in the big house is innocent and they will all tell you that its those that maintain their innocence throughout their stay. Why would you risk your own life for 20 years, if you admitted to the crimes you were convicted of you would be put on a safe wing, bide your time, do the courses, behave yourself and you will be up before the parole board and out on licence when you have served half of your sentence. (Applies in UK/EU)
Our prisons are filling up with innocent people sent there by 'SERIAL ACCUSERS' 'OVER ZEALOUS SOCIAL WORKERS' and a 'POLITICLY CORRECT MEDIA' that think its better to lock up innocent people just to be on the safe side.
California sunlight, sweet Calcutta rain, Honolulu starbright, the song remains................the same.