Originally posted by mml
How many of you who feel blacks or hispanics or women are getting a better deal, would be willing to change places?
Who is or is not getting a "better deal" is not really the question -- it's whether or not fighting racism with racism is something that will be effective. I think it does nothing but encourage negativity towards one group or another -- and I belong to three such minority groups. Have I experienced some difficulties with certain people because of my minority-affiliations? Yes. Does that make it justified or right for me to be racist towards straight white males? Absolutely not.
Affirmative action, especially racial quotas, is a painfully obvious wrong way to go about the problem and provides only a temporary visible fix for election year -- not a lasting solution. Why, seretogis, what
is a lasting solution, you ask? Remove all mentions of race/orientation/gender from legislation. Let society itself work out their prejudices by giving everyone an equal footing under the eyes of the law. Do not put any so-called oppressed group on a pedestal if it makes them higher than anyone else as far as the law is concerned.