Take defensive driving. Keeps it off of your insurance. Go to court. Sometimes the cop doesn't show up or they'll lower the fine.
I get pulled over frequently. I get lots of warnings. It depends on where I get pulled over, I think.
My tips:
Pull over safely and promptly.
Roll down your window(s) so the officer can se you, weather permitting.
Put your hands where the officer can see them.
Don't reach for anything, your licence, insurance, registration, until asked.
Be courteous. You don't have to admit to anything, but don'y be a dick.
Cops are nervous. Make things easy for them and maybe they'll make it easy for you.
Oh yeah. Don't ask for a warning. I was lectured on that one night. It pissed the cop off, but he still gave me a warning. He told me they decide before they get out of the car whether they're going to give you a warning or not. I felt lucky that night. Of course, I pulled over almost beforehe got going from the side of the road.
People Are Stupid. People can be made to believe any lie, either
because they want it to be true or because they fear that it is.