my dad says when the world will end when ppl all look the same he said he read that in the bible once.
He, thinks that the only reason I am with my boy friend is because he is not white and I want to make him mad not at all.
I don't know though, I think because I am with some one that's not the same race that i see the relationships just like me more.
It makes me kinda think about what my dad said and some times I see ppl like me and my boy friend and I go why isent she with a white guy because then if she was, then it would make the world more even but thats probably some of what my dad has been saying that just stuck.
I am fine with other ppl from different races getting together but say if they have a kid and they get divorced, whats there chances on finding a white husband? If the girl is white and her kid is different? Just wondering thats what I was always thinking about, but now I don't care.
If I'm dating some one who is different that does not make me wrong or stupid and if some one wan'ts to think that way and judge me on my kid(I dont have one) then there the ones that are wrong.
Paq says" It's hard enough finding love, why limit your choices"
Very good I think thats true lol.
The QTpie